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you don’t have to do it alone

As B2B entrepreneurs, founders, and leaders, we solve complex problems in complex environments involving lots of people. While we all love working in our sweet spot, all the complexity waters that down…knocks us out of focus. That’s when our business and work become a grind. That grind wears us out professionally. And it takes a massive toll on us personally too.

If only we could find more work that fits in our sweet spot…and stay there. But we have to market and sell to do that. No doubt you didn’t get into your business to be a marketer or a sales person. Nonetheless, how do you find the balance to be effective in that which you must do in order to do more of what you love to do…whatever your sweet spot?

Look, there’s no magic pill that makes this easy. But if you’re tired of getting mixed results in growing your business, settling for work that isn’t work you love, and need a future where you choose your customers and the work you do (instead of the other way around), join the community. It’s free to join and participate. The content is focused and proven to work for B2B entrepreneurs and leaders just like you.
