Hello and welcome! 

I’m Peter Snell, Founder of Lumotiv.

As a B2B Growth Guide, I work with a lot of entrepreneurs, founders and leaders in the B2B space that are struggling to grow their businesses and reap the rewards. 

Trying to grow a business can often feel like a soul-sucking waste of time.

Searching for an edge, they grind through the latest marketing and sales strategies. Build a better website. Blog more. Create better funnels. Improve closing techniques. [Insert latest and greatest here.] 

But none of these things deliver that proverbial edge when the MESSAGE (the foundation of the brand) is flawed.


Because the brand messaging sets the tone for ALL of it. 

So how do you know it’s flawed? There are five red flags, most of which are easy to find on the company’s website:

It’s full of word jargon and industry speak. The content leads with ‘what’ the company does and ‘how’ it does it. It looks, feels, and sounds like most other brands in the same niche. Data and research are used without compelling stories.

And last and most definitely worst, flawed brand messaging positions the brand as the hero by using possessive words and statements like “our services…” or “we provide…” .

To be fair, most people are simply taught to do brand messaging that way. They are taught to be brand ambassadors…particularly in the B2B space.

But none of it triggers trust in the human brain. In fact, it’s trust repellant.

While a huge problem, it’s not obvious to most people. Like a house with a bad foundation, doors don’t close flush, walls grow cracks, and pipes spring leaks.

So people repair the doors, cracks, and pipes…grinding for that edge, wasting time and energy on poorly-messaged marketing and sales campaigns.

What. A. Grind.

And then this happens...

Worn out from the grind of ineffective growth efforts, other work in the business suddenly grows in importance, yet doesn’t add value. In fact, many people end up placing value on being busy rather than productive.

Before they know it, marketing turns into that fleeting hope for the next referral.

Sales becomes an overzealous exercise resembling the playground scene we all witnessed or lived first-hand...hoping to get picked to play on a team...ANY team. 

In a frustrated effort to get picked, people compromise and close the wrong prospects. 

When people start working outside their sweet spot, they begin to question the focus of the business. They wonder, “does it need to be different, or innovated?

While innovation can be good, zooming out or changing focus just to accommodate a non-ideal audience will do more damage than stunting growth.

EVERYTHING in the business gets exponentially harder.

And then there’s the personal toll. 

All this grinding takes people away from doing what they love. The desire to do any of the work fades. Forget about making an impact or leaving a legacy. The grind eventually drains relationships and lifestyle.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

Imagine waking up every morning free of the growth grind…free to focus on doing the things you love because your growth system is at work for you.

Get more of the right yes’s without compromising on scope or price.

See a consistent and abundant pipeline full of prospective customers that fit your sweet spot, even choosing your customers based on what’s best for both them AND you.

Enter conversations knowing how to earn and nurture trust quickly.

Market with confidence, knowing where to focus and how to convert more of the right people to prospective customers.

How much stronger will your business become? Your reputation? Your team? 

Now you can stay focused on the right kind of work for you, your business, and your customers. 

Then there’s the personal joy...making an impact by doing what you love. And you get to live it and share it with family, friends, and your community.

there are people like you who don’t have to imagine a life free from the grind. They’re living it right now. 

People like…

Pat Bohnenkamp

CEO of Seprio, who said, 


“While we certainly value the growth, what’s been amazing is the depth of the impact to the core of our business. By viewing our business as a brand, and then viewing that brand through the lens of the audience, we have become measurably better in serving clients, and even operating more efficiently.” 

Heather Long, CEO @ Reveal Solutions, who said, 


“I have learned so much!  Telling a story or getting your message across with the use of AudienceLens has made all the difference to me, and more importantly my audience!” 

Jake McCarley, CEO of Blockit, who said,


“We serve multiple audiences from patients to physician practice administrators to leaders of accountable care organizations. And while the problem we solve appears simple on the surface, it’s actually complex at the core. This makes crafting our brand message uniquely difficult. But by embracing a view through the lens of the audience, our brand storybook has proven to create the right engagement, not only initially, but as conversations develop to cover more difficult things”.

Venkat Raman, CEO of MedAssist, who said, 


“This new perspective of seeing the business through the lens of the audience has delivered a positive transformation to far more than marketing. It has positively impacted our leadership approach, our culture, and our shareholder results.” 

No doubt we are all in a unique season of life. 

So what are you going to make of it?

Are you going to hunker down and circle the wagons?


Are you going to get on a horse and pioneer growth?

If you’re ready to pioneer growth, the right way, it’s time to get in position for more of the right conversations with the right people. 

And it begins with your taking action right now by booking your strategy meeting. 

In this virtual meeting, we work together to reveal your 3-part, 90-day, growth sheet. 

This isn’t some shiny new thing. Your growth sheet consists of 3 proven plays for pioneering growth as a B2B leader:

  1. Pinpoint your right audience and their actionable motivations.

  2. Apply “think-and-speak-audience” language to your content.

  3. Execute your attraction campaign and choose your next wave of customers.

You will be clear on exactly what you expect to achieve AND what to do to achieve it. The plan is simple, repeatable, and accommodates for applied insights so you can make adjustments to your next 90-day plan. 

By the end of the meeting, you walk with your very own completed Growth Sheet. There is NO fee. 

It’s how Pat, Venkat, Heather and dozens of other B2B leaders pioneer growth in their businesses. 

When they stood in your shoes, they were ready to stand out from their competitors. They were ready to roll up their sleeves. They each chose to be coachable and decisive. And they all experienced explosive growth.

Book your meeting now

A few final words...

This isn’t for everyone. 

If you believe circling the wagons is a better play for your business, no worries. You know your business, and we wish you nothing but the best. 

But this IS for people who...

...want to be pioneers like Pat, Venkat, and Heather. If you are able to provide value to new customers, AND you need to grow now, schedule your meeting here.

Time is limited.

Yes, yes, we’ve all heard that line before. But in this case, the math adds up. Lots of people have the opportunity to sign up. It’s a live 1-on-1 meeting. So there is an actual limit to available meetings. 

If you think you need to wait, then the timing isn’t right for either of us. 

If your time is now,

Talk soon, Peter